The tarot cards
«The wisdom of the ancestors»

1.Eternity. Tengri
2.Ulgen’s future
3.Present of Umai
4.Past of Erlik
5.Bow of Tengri
6.The life’s thread
7.The Eternity soul Ayi
8.The soul Bos’
9.The power of the lineage Kut
10.The soul Tyos’
11.The soul Syur
12.The moon
13.The sun
14.The thunder
16.The World’s tree
18.The Time’s River
19.Inverted cart
20.Mor and Mara
21.The sacrifice
22.Erlik’s daughters
23.The city of shadows
25.The bridge
26.The serpent
27.An owl
28.The Drum
30.A hearth
31.The shaman’s flight


The cards in your hands are intended for the extraordinary, searching people, who cognize themselves and the world. Here you will find for yourself not only new ways of predictions, but also an advice, how to use this knowledge every day, in an ordinary real life. 

The Tarot system appeared long time ago in the Ancient Egypt. And this knowledge was possessed by the initiated people – the priests. The priests were the upper social class, which was considered to be the wisest. Kings listened to them while making important politic decisions. Great people of the world appealed to them for predictions, divinations, valediction and even the healing. Once the great priests of Egypt gathered together for creating a huge mandala, in which they enounced all their knowledge. This mandala personified the world order, the human’s structure and his/her path in the Universe. But the life is dynamic, a variety of processes occur in it. And they divided this mandala into separate elements, so that there would be a possibility to describe each process, each phenomenon of life in motion, of nascence, of development and of disappearance, of demolition and so on and so forth, and it is now possible to describe all the world’s phenomena, the paths of all the things and the human ways, by means of adding them together diversely.

Thus, the Tarot cards appeared, which were the elements of that mandala and their layouts, which described all the phenomena of life and of death, of goodness and of evil, of creating and of destroying. 

The Tarot system exists as a system of mysterious ciphered symbols, wherein the Supreme Knowledge is concealed. It wasn’t the divinatory one initially, but it was a mystical one and it was helping people easily in dealing with their life situations. But at the moment the Ancient Egypt’s priests understood, that many people appear on the Earth, who can garble the Supreme Knowledge and who will even try to destroy it. The priests enciphered the consecrated Knowledge in the form of symbols, in order to prevent it from destroying. All these symbols were represented on the golden slabs and they were stored in the Temple of Sun. But thereafter, with time, the sacral sense was lost.  The devastating wars and earthquakes, the pillaging and the human’s greed were merciless towards the creations of priests.  And these slabs were irretrievably lost. But such a case was also envisaged by the Supreme Knowledge keepers. They created the pack of divination cards and gave it to the augurs, wiccans and diviners. Those ones, in turn, have spread this knowledge all around the world.  

That was the way, which helped people to learn about the Tarot cards. But the mandala itself didn’t reach the modern people; they also don’t know the mysterious layouts, which had a magic power to change the life’s events.   

However the symbols, which are similar to Tarot, were present not only in Egypt. These were the runes in the ancient Europe and Hyperborea, hexagrams – by the Chinese, which performed the same function. The shamans also had their own Tarot, which was kept a profound secret, but it got revealed to the world now, thanks to the Great White Shaman.    

Moreover, in contrast with the Egypt Tarot, the shamanic Tarot reveals mandala to us, which describes all the world order system, and it is the key to find solution for any contemporary problem. Indeed the human’s problems haven’t changed since then, and even vice versa, our contemporaries are in need of help even more – high rates of mortality, loneliness, credit slavery, poverty, a family’s fragmentation and a lot more, not including the global humanity’s problems. That’s the reason why people are in need of this Knowledge so badly. 

Feeding upon our ancestors’ attainments, which have reached us from the ancient manuscripts, songs, legends, lore, legendary, nowadays we may learn the mysteries of the past and of the future, by performing ingenuous layouts on the Tarot cards «The wisdom of the ancestors».  

A long while ago, when no religions were known yet, the world of «Spirits» reigned on the Earth (such as the Fire Spirit, the Water Spirit, the Air Spirit, the Fruitfulness Spirit, the Health Spirit, the Youth Spirit, The Advancement Spirit and so on). It was more than 40 000 years ago. People worshiped numerous deities during those times, which reigned their proper worlds. The smallest part of ancient attainments about the god Perun, Svarog, Velez and the others have reached us nowadays. But lots of them were considered to be irretrievably lost, since the secret attainments about the world’s structure, about the reasons of anguishes and joys, of wealth and poverty, of freedom and enslavement were transferred only to the chosen ones. The seniors, the sages, the priests, the shamans were the custodians of wisdom and knowledge since the ancient times. They were the ones, who were addressed for getting a piece of advice and assistance by common people during the minutes of joy and troubles.  And here came the time, when «The wisdom of the ancestors» becomes available for millions of people thanks to the Great White Shaman. 

Many people, who use the wisdom of elders (ancestors), have already obtained the harmony and success, have changed the proper lives and the lives of their beloved ones, nearest and dearest people for better. What is needed is just to get open to the new knowledge and to apply it in practice. And the secret layouts will be taught by Great Shaman only to close disciples, since their power is great enough and it shouldn’t get into unholy hands. Let these attainments be revealed to you! Khurai Mangalam!

So, let’s get acquainted with the cards «The wisdom of the ancestors».

The entire pack is conventionally «divided» into four parts. They are the four worlds, which comprise our life: the World of Eternity, the World of Future, the World of Present and the World of Past. There’s a proper god in each world, which endows a human with specific personal qualities and influences the life’s well-being.

When you perform the layout of Tarot cards «The wisdom of the ancestors», you need to pay attention which cards (from which world) you «get» more. You’ll be able to determine the life’s stage you’re at, and the events, that may await you in the nearest future. For example, if the cards, which refer to the World of Past occur to you more often during the  layout, then it means, that you’ve submerged into remembrances, possibly into doldrums, that you need to be particularly attentive and careful during this period. Since by plunging into the World of Past, you don’t notice the events of the Present, it means, you put Your future in jeopardy, too. But if the cards, which personify the World of the Present «occur» to you, than it means, that your affairs are successful, harmonic, filled with picturesque events, and this period needs to be experienced to the fullest extent.

You may also use these cards (attainments) in routine affairs, every day, by performing a routine work or by preparing for festivities. For example, when you’re going to invite guests to a party, you have a possibility to lay the table, taking not only the cardinal directions, but also all the four worlds into account. In order to do so, you need to straddle the flatware and the prepared dishes according to the attainments about this or that world’s quality. The World of Eternity (Tengri) will be placed in the East, and thus less food will be located here and a lot of free space will be here. The flatware can be modeled with napkins and accessories depicting the stars.

The World of Future (Ulgen’) will be settled in the South, it means, that all the most unusual and the new things can be located here: all the things, that you will use for the first time. This part of the table can be served in transparent-white or transparent azure tinges, by using the images of clouds, of rainbow…

The World of the Present (Umai) will be located in the West with all the handsome gifts: fruits, vegetables…  You can serve this part, by using all the kinds of living nature, as well as of all of its handsome gifts.

And the kingdom of the Past (Erlik) will be located in the North. And more heavy and replete food (for example, fish, meat and so on) can be put here. The World of the Past can be served, by using the darker tinges and heavy flatware.

When your preparations have been done and your guests have come, then you’ll be also able to run diagnostics and to arrange predictions for your guests to the extent of guests’ location at the table: the world, which your guest will choose (which «lures» him (her) intuitively) - will determine the way, in which his (her) affairs are arranged, the status he (she) has at the moment.

Furthermore, this knowledge may help alter the course of events of your life. You may ask: «How it could be?». Very simple! If you have a  necessity of getting rid of illnesses or of whatsoever negative events, then choose a place for yourself in the World of the Past, in order to part yourself with everything that interferes with your living. If you want to create something new, then your place is in the World of the Future.  You need to be located in the World of the Present, in order to enhance everything that you possess at the moment. And if you want to gripe the unknown and to disclose the extraordinary abilities, then surge forward towards the World of Eternity.

You may even apply the knowledge of cards «The wisdom of the ancestors» for the expansion of business or the arrangement of a new affair. That is, by arranging your office, salesroom, and restaurant and so on, you’ll be able to allocate the worktables (workplaces), according to the card of universe, described in the Tarot cards.

It is important to locate the everyday items thoughtfully in your house, especially in the children’s room, dining-room, the living-room. You may also introduce «The wisdom of the ancestors» not only into your house’s and office’s interior, but into a design of clothes and of accessories, which will guide you everywhere during the day.

In such a way, by assimilating «The wisdom of the ancestors», you’ll be able to get transfigured yourself and to help all the people, who are near you, step by step.

These cards are multi-functional, and you can perform any layout known to you with their help.

But we recommend you to perform the layout «of Emptiness» apart from that. Operationalize all the cards therefore, laying them out one after one, until such a moment when the card «Emptiness» occurs to you – they will personify all the events, which happened in the past, everything, which led you to the present moment (or in the situation, which agitates you at the present moment). All the rest of the cards, which will follow the card «Emptiness», will show you the possible events of the future (the ways of solution of the set task).

You can also begin each day with the event-related forecast, by asking the cards a question and taking one or several cards from the pack (depending on the questions’ number), receiving mini-predictions for the day, for the situation instantaneously…

The layout «Trinity» will help you resolve the situation, by drawing on three parts: the Mind (the generally accepted judgements, «a cold-blooded premeditation»), Emotions (subconscious, your internal «guesstimate»), Consciousness (the help of ancestors, gods).

In order to accomplish this, you need to narrow the question down, and then to gеt the first card, which will show you a generally accepted variant of answer to the question (the one, which you would get from the friends, nearest and dearest…). The following card will show you the answer from the depth of Your subconscious (it is your internal voice, your intuition).  The third card - is a help of the ancestors, the wisdom of gods. By uniting all three parts into one, you’ll be able to take a wider look at the situation and to make a wise decision. 

You see the shamanic universe’s card on the backside of each card. There are numerous specifics on it, and each of them is of a great importance and each has a practical use. It is impossible to include all the knowledge about shamanic card into this description, thus visit our seminars, in order to comprehend the source, by virtue of which these cards are created. Here, in turn, we’ll explain schematically: the marquee of eyes is a thousand-eyed sky (shamans think that the stars – are the eyes of the god Tengri).     

Ulgen’ – is Tengri’s younger son. Umai – is Tengri’s wife. Erlik – is Tengri’s elder son.  Behind him – there’s a lock made of ferruginous iron. Tengri’s bow is held by his sons from two sides. He sends his arrows to the Earth - Umai, fecundating it with the germs of new creatures and phenomena. Tengri’s bow in human’s hands – is his (her) consciousness, the arrows – are his (her) attention – which should be addressed towards Tengri, that is towards the eternity. The life’s thread of all the creatures is held in Tengri’s hands, 5 souls are beaded thereon, which are possessed by every human. Once the life’s thread loses hold and falls, getting detached from the physical body, souls return to the gods, who have created them. Tengri leads the human through life by this thread, like a puppeteer, but a human doesn’t understand in his (her) aberration, that he (she) – is the marionette of the gods and he (she) ascribes all the thoughts and deeds to him(her)self.

Ayi – is one of the millions of Tengri’s eyes, which he detached from himself, and this eye became a separate creature. But at the same time it is Tengri, and it’s separability from him – is an illusion. This Tengri’s eye is a human him(her)self, all the rest – are only his (her) clothes.   

Bos’  is human’s mind, which is free of bonds, prejudices, memory and which sees and creates everything in a new way.   

Kut – is a personal power and also the power of lineage or of egregors, which a human belongs to. Also the level of luck and success, which accompanies him (her) through the life, and which he(she) may discredit, by leading an unreasonable life, which brings about the illnesses and troubles.  

Tyos’ – is a burden of memory, which grows with the flow of age and which buries a human under itself. As a result of that the old man lives with the past and he is closed to the life’s novelty, he dies thereof. Exactly this soul holds him in Erlik’s world.

Syur – is a human’s double-ganger, the night dream body that is the body, wherein we act in imagination and in dreams.    

The moon – is the star of the god Erlik.  

The sun – is the star of Ulgen’.  

The thunder, the thunderstorm are Ulgen's manifestation in the physical world. When an event transfers from the subtle plane to the physical plane – it is similar to a thunder, a lightning, a downpour: at first the events were created on a subtle plane, and then the clouds congealed and started their manifestation in the earthy world.    

Mirages occur when events and the things are formed on Ulgen’s subtle plane. They are similar to the gaseous, nebulous, slurred forms – these are the thoughts and dreams of the people. But the more they get filled with the energy of wish, the more distinct and the more ponderable they become, and, finally they can get materialized in a physical world.    



1.Eternity. Tengri 

We can see a man, who sits with crossed legs. His hands are on the knees with the palms turned upwards. We see an opened eye at the palms’ center, which personifies an all-seeing wisdom’s eye. The trinity’s symbol is depicted on the clothes – the past, the present, and the future in the form of three suns.

The man calmly contemplates a primeval emptiness. His face depicts appeasement and harmony. A golden marque is spread over him with billions of eyes, which watch and observe all the happening things. They are directed to all sides of the world. This is the god Tengri – the God of Eternity, who created the entire Universe.

The card’s meaning – is a success, a victory.

A responsible period comes about in your life. This card notifies you about the meeting with your soulmate (or even patron). You can reach success in  your career and glory.    

An esoteric meaning of the card – the wisdom, the patronage.

Your glory hour arrives. You achieve your goal with all of your aspirations. The entire Universe patronizes you. You managed to peer beyond the reason’s boundaries and to behold the verity. Don’t allow the Wisdom’s Eye to close. This card tells about the fact, that new challenges and new discoveries are waiting you. You’re on the right way. Make use of the received possibility. The spirits help you get the support of the Great god Tengri – the Supreme World’s and fortune’s overlord, the entire outdoors’s creator and the Universe’s founder. His blessing creates a contact with him, which will make you a godman, who is endued with the fantastic powers and abilities.

An inverted card: You don’t have anyone to declare yourself to and to place confidence into, you feel loneliness often, even among the nearest and dearest people,  apartness, the point of life’s loss, a burdensome existence, filled with doldrums and the feeling of inferiority. You feel a danger of losing complicity with the world around, due to the fact, that you have keen senses of having been repulsed, abandoned, expelled, shut out or else non-appraised.  In this case the ritual of merging with the Power of Great White Shaman will help you, by reaching which you’ll never be alone and you’ll acquire the supreme state of consciousness and of bliss, which is ever possible on the Earth.              

A magical object: for connection with the Great White Shaman.

Music of transformation: № 3, a track “Ecstasy”.  

An individual practice: ritual for obtaining the unity with the power of the Great White Shaman.

We congratulate you – you’re the chosen one of the spirits! You have a shamanic gift. You may pass an initiation into the shamanism. Complex “Vishnu’s Avatars” is recommended to you for individual and group practice in your city.


2.Ulgen’s future

The card depicts a jolly old fellow with a hoary long beard and a broad smile, who sits in the «lotus» pose. He holds a magical stuff of the wishes’ fulfilment in his hands. He is surrounded with the multitude of white clouds, which personify the wishes of people, the new ideas, and also the pure Souls of the people, who prepare for a new embodiment to the Earth. This is the god of the future – Ulgen’, who effects the creation of all the new and unusual things, of all things, that have never been manifested on the earth yet.

The card’s meaning – is a joy, ingenuousness, newness. The world of changes and of suddenness opens to you. Very soon you will learn the news, which will complement your life and which will create an intrigue. The card prompts you about the fact, that each thought has a chance of appearing in the real world. Everything depends only on your purposefulness and persistence. Perform new efforts for your wishes’ realization; fulfill yourself with necessary energy and knowledge during the seminars with the help of the conductor of Power.  

An esoteric meaning of the card – is an insight and creation. Here comes an instant, when you are capable of creating a proper life new projection. Your consciousness expanded, which means, that the gates of the future are opened in front of you. But only the use of attainments about the Space laws about the  power of intention will allow you to achieve the things you desire. Set yourself the unachievable goals, achieve them – it will be within your power now, if you receive the blessing of the Upper World’s Overlord Ulgen’-khan. New astonishing abilities will get revealed to you, and a very successful period will begin in your life.           

Inverted card: revise your plans, which are unhinged from reality, or which are imposed upon you from someone else. Do you really want it, or do you make a compromise, by following the will of the nearest and dearest, the factual constraint, and the fashion?         

Magical item: khomuz, the stone of Power for success in all your affairs. 

Music of transformation: № 21, the track “The Intention”.  

Individual practice: Initiation to the Power of one of 10 Great Women (learn more from the conductor on the seminar)

The card recommends you to perform the Complex of abundance and practice “The Power of Intention”. More information about them you may get during the meetings in the group of your city.


3.Present of Umai

An earthy welfare’s marquee has spread out in a beautiful meadow. A youthful girl with the long plaits, a playful look and a tender smile sits solemnly near the marquee on a soft coverlet of loaves and fishes. She holds a green bow of the tree in one hand, as a symbol of fruitfulness, and in the other hand - she holds abundance’s chalice. This is the goddess of the present Umai. It is she, who preserves and increases all the creature comforts; she grants everything, what is necessary for the human’s life. 

The card’s meaning – is a gift, a balance, a well-being. 

You are capable of getting down to brass tacks of the world, perceiving it the way it is. The card notifies of the new accumulation stage and implementation stage of formerly envisioned programs, goals, wishes.      

Some person may appeal to you with unusual offer, which will reinforce your strength, which will extend your abilities. This card can also mean a reconsideration of all the things done, and also the romantic adventures. 

An esoteric meaning of the card – is steadiness, reality. The card advises you to base yourself upon the accumulated experience and attainments, to feel «the earth under the legs», to perceive the life’s fragility and not to waste the time in vain. Continue to search for the new ways of purpose fulfillment. Beware of illusions.  Appeal to the conductor of Power on the seminar and get through the ritual for gaining protection from the goddess Umai. It will help you to solve any life situations, provide protection against evil spirits. 

Inverted card: the wealth is by your side, you miss good chances because of the thoughts about fallacious self-sustainability:  «the poor ones, but the proud ones», «it feels bad, but in a proper fashion», «big money – cause big problems» - you don’t need it all, this will prevent success from coming into your life. 

Magic object: Bereginya doll. A magical image of goddess Umai.   

Music of transformation: №13, the track «Umai».   

Individual practice: the card advises you to get through the ritual for gaining protection from the goddess Umai. You will forget about hardships with money and about your other difficult situations; well-being and happiness will come to your life. Also The self-sufficient complex will help you. You may do it individually or together with your group members on the meetings in your town.


4.Past of Erlik

A bodeful man is depicted on the card, who sits on the black bull with a head and the hooves, reminding a «deuce». A man, sitting on this bull, also looks fierce: a long black messy hair, puckered eyebrows, the fangs, sticking out of the mouth – all of it expresses a capacity for ingenious actions. He clutches the snake of temptations tightly in one hand, and in the other hand – he clutches rosary, thanks to which he counts all the mistakes, attachments, earthly riches. This is the god of the past, of memory, of the underground kingdom Erlik-khan. 

 It is exactly Erlik-khan who takes the surpluses of material benefits away from the people, who live on the Earth, to free the earthly space up for the new creations, new projects. He also accepts the souls of all those people, who have taken the leave from the Earth and he impedes them in his kingdom, until the time, when the memory about them on the Earth has elapsed.         

The card’s meaning is wreckage, a demolition.   

You’ve been reached by the time of challenges and disappointments. Now you’ve moved over to the «zone of darkness» and incomprehension. The entire world seems gloomy, dingy, and lifeless. The thoughts about the past sink you into the state of depression. Your career may end-up on the brink of collapse. However, these are only temporary difficulties. You strain after the changes. It’s time to mobilize your strengths for new achievements, for transition to a new, higher stage in life. This card warns you about the possible partner’s change. In order to pass all the challenge painlessly, the card advises you to undergo a session for cleansing Nabhu Chakra, after which you will attain liberation of all the anguishes and you will be able to help other people.    

An esoteric meaning of the card – liberation.   

You are a lucky stiff! The card notifies you of the completion of one of the stages in your life. It is right now that you effectuate the ultimate efforts, you undergo the challenges, you get exempted from all the undue, unnecessary things, which restrained you on your path. Muster all your strengths. Address your conductors for a piece of advice and get their help on the seminar. Big changes and awareness are waiting you.  

Inverted card: you’re in trouble, the evil spirits have prepared numerous traps for you. A protective talisman will help you.  

Magic object: an amulet for protection against evil powers, mischances, illnesses, vampirism and witchcraft.    

Music of transformation: №12, the track «Erlik».

Individual practice: a session for cleansing Nabhu Chakra. Make the Opening Сhakras Сomplex every day during 21 days period, it will help you on this step of your spiritual way. Try to attend classes in your city every week, about which you may know from the organizer.  


5.Bow of Tengri

The bow and the arrow – are a symbol of achieving a goal. Every person is able to achieve a goal when his (her) intention’s bow-string is stretched, it is stiff, inflexible. And it is important to possess a perspicuous gaze, in order not to miss the target, having chosen it, not to get lost in time and space. It is namely «The Wisdom’s Eye», that allows a human to look into the roots of the problems, to have a concise vision of all the things happening inside of it and outside of it.     

The card’s meaning – is career advancement.  

Everything you’ve strained after willingly, starts coming true instantaneously. Even minor goals get materialized with a lighting speed. But each ascent holds the danger of falling down. This card notifies of the fact, that you’ve approached the final of the previously initiated affairs. However, even more efforts need to be made, so that you wouldn’t miss your chance, so that you wouldn’t turn back the tide, but so that you would accomplish the task set. The ritual of gaining success will help you in this – you will make your most cherished dreams and wishes come true. 

An esoteric meaning of the card – is a purposefulness.  

Your consciousness penetrates with the essence of the occurring processes. You’re capable of achieving the peaks of understanding. The arrow of wisdom gives birth to verity, by piercing the darkness of ignorance. Stay alert – the powers of darkness are watchful. Watch out for the false targets and seducements. 

Inverted card: you don’t know yourself and your abilities, you exchange a bird in the hand for the two in the bush. You have enough power to do anything, however you lack will and concentration.         

Magic object: the magic stone will help you to acquire the power of intention. 

Music of transformation: № 0, the track «Tertia».  

Individual practice: a ritual of realization of the proper innermost wishes. For individual practice it is recommended “Awakening the personal Power”. On the group classes it will have a greater effect. 


6.The life’s thread

A transparent, wriggly brume… This is – the life’s thread. It passes from top downward from the Tengri’s World to the Umai’s world. It has no distinct boundaries, as the life itself. This thread shows the things human’s life will be composed of, the things, that are proper to it, the time, when he (she) will leave the Umai world and will make a journey through the Time’s river into Erlik’s world.    

The card’s meaning – is the change.   

Look around. The world surrounding you – is a mirror refection of your internal content.  The fuss and the harmony, the stability and the fluctuation in life – all of it is your accumulation, the result of your reactions and emotions. The card indicates you to the fact that the time has come to take decisive steps for changing your life.  Don’t be afraid to see the verity and to make a decision which has already matured. Push away all that is unnecessary in your life, everything, that brings mist and discomfort.    

An esoteric meaning of the card – is the conductor.    

This card tells about the fact, that it is important for you now to draw your attention to how your development is going on. It is necessary to realize what your attention is directed to, what you strain after. It is possible, that you’ll have to make your steps right and to change the movement’s direction.  Appeal to the conductor for help, who always support you on your way and who will indicate new pathways to you. It is also recommended to visit Places of Power several times a year. 

Inverted card: you’ve moved away from your life’s road – the true calling, you need to return onto it, then you’ll find yourself and you’ll rejoice each life’s minute.

Magic object: talisman for acquiring love and artistic skills. 

Music of transformation: № 4, the track «Shaman Varga».  

Individual practice: diagnostic of your destiny. Initiation to the Power of one of 10 Great Women (learn more from the conductor on the seminar). For individual and group practice – “Ayii Meditation”


7.The Eternity soul Ayi

The wisdom’s eye – is the eye, which looks at the world overtly. It’s glance isn’t befuddled with patterns and illusions.  It is an invisible observer of all that is going on around – the human’s soul Ayi, the supreme gift from the Eternity’s god Tengri.   

The cards meaning – is control.  

Control and moderateness – these are the main qualities you need to develop at this life’s stage. The card emphasizes the qualities within you, which are capable of elevating you to the supreme life’s level. However, you lack self-discipline. Remember, that an observance, professionalism, sturdiness, knowledge are important in any affair. Don’t be afraid to employ innovative technology and to look at the world from the new positions. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – is Initiation. 

The fortune favors you. Your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed.  You receive a holy gift of the Gods. Recollect your spirits and accept all that is bestowed upon You by the Supreme Powers. Don’t slacken the course of events. Move ahead towards an intended objective with even greater effort and selflessness. And remember, that your faithful fellow-traveler – is a prayer.      

Inverted card: the time has come to think about the fact, that all the fruit of your actions are not eternal,  and in the same way the things you dream of in the future, having been actualized in the present, will be inexorably prone to the processes of ageing, decay and withering. Therefore, focus your attention to what is eternal - your spirit of Ayi – the observer, which has never been born and which will never die. The card admonishes you to undergo the Initiation to the Power of one of the 10 Great Women, which brings harmony and power, success in all deals. You will come closer to realizing your predestination and of your mission on the earth. 

Magic object:  the dream-stone for realization of happy woman’s destiny. 

Music of transformation: №18, the track «Kalachakra».  

Individual practice: the Initiation to the Power of one of the 10 Great Women (learn more from the conductor on the seminar). The card advise you to do the yoga complex “Harmony of feminine and masculine energy”, about which you may know on weekly classes in your town. 


8.The soul Bos’

A beautiful white bird with immense, strong wings, which soars up to the height, is depicted on the card. It doesn’t have fear for the obstacles and storms. It looks ahead bravely and it doesn’t stop halfway through. This bird – is the human’s soul Bos’, given by the Future’s god Ulgen’. The human has the opportunity to create plans, ideas, dreams… It is namely the soul Bos’, which helps the human’s consciousness to ascend above difficulties and incomprehension, over fuss and fear.           

The card’s meaning is the news. 

A favorable period has come in your life. Many changes await you in the nearest time. Take cue from everything that is going on around you attentively. It is possible that you’ll hear long hoped-for news.          

This card also means a possible conceiving.   

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a novelty.  Every you thought in a form of  a bird like a white cloud is coming up to the World of Future – the World of Ulgen’.  You gained necessary for the flight power and self-assurance. Start externalizing your dream, don’t look back, and don’t wait for extra signal for action. The unexpected events, the unexpected healings wait for you.        

Inverted card: you’ve lost your true aspirations, which you’ve had in the childhood, you don’t know what to expect from the future. Now the future for you – is a certain variation of the past, which is an illusion, a deception. Make a step into your inscrutable future – a conductor will help you on the seminar by the session on Nabhu Chakra cleansing. 

Magic object:  amulet for realization of desires and wishes.

Music of transformation: №17, the track «Hurai».

Individual practice: a session on Nabhu Chakra cleansing, after which favorable changes will occur in your personal life. The people, who are dear to you, but who haven’t shown interest in you, will seek your company. The Complex of abundance will help you. You may do it individually or in the classes in your town.       


9.The power of the lineage Kut

We see endless vast expanses of the Earth. In the center of the card you may see a beautiful deer with a proudly lifted head. It’s huge, branching horns mean a tremendous wisdom and power. It’s muscular body, filled with health, personifies unlimited vital resources, dexterity, precipitance. This beautiful deer – is a human’s soul Kut, received from his (her) lineage. Until there’s a soul Kut within a human, he (she) lives in the World of the Present Umai. But as soon as the deer runs away from a human, it means, that the time has come to set off for the World of the Past to Erlik-khan.       

The card’s meaning – is gainings.  

You’ve «merited» a present by your diligence. You may not clam up and estrange Yourself from life during this period. Try to be more active, focused, and dexterous. Since an major power is needed even for the gift’s acceptance. Continue to irradiate the joy and the harmony.  This card testifies to a favorable period for contraction of partnership relations.     

Esoteric meaning of the card – is power.  

Difficulties and obstacles occur on your way, but you're given a new power for self-comprehension and world understanding. Begin to act instantly. Don’t allow yourself to sink into sloth, doldrums.    

Inverted card: the health and even the life of your family members is in danger, assume responsibility for your lineage. The spirits are telling about the necessity to pass an individual practice for cleansing the karma of your lineage provided by the conductor during the seminar.   

Magic object: protective amulet for the entire family and lineage. 

Music of transformation: № 1, the track «Beat of the heart».

Individual practice: a ritual for cleansing the karma of your kindred. The practice “Kata of fury” will help you on this stage of your spiritual growth. Try to come to every class in your city, more information about which you may get from the organizers. 


10.The soul Tyos’

An immense fish swims through old, sunken objects, through the seaweed with its eyes half-closed. Its scale, just like everything around it, is slightly crusted with sea ooze, «the time’s sand». It is the soul of Tyos’ – the soul of the World of Memory, which is given to a human by the Inferior World’s overlord Erlik-khan. The one, who has «hardened» in the dark seaweed of memory, of the past, may remain there forever, and the soul will be buried in the waste deposit of the old events, which have departed from the life.        

The card’s meaning – is a deception.   

It seems to you, that the events run their course. However, the card testifies to the opposite. You want to return the past, to feel that, which is inaccessible to you already. A doldrums’ state is customary for you, you’re dissatisfied with everything, and sometimes you’re irritated. A change in sentiment, instability in emotions may lead to irremediable consequences, illnesses. You’re waylaid by deception and self-deception.      

The card advises you to feel yourself like «a duck to water», which sales through the life’s river, moving easily from one waterbody to the other. Life should be accepted in all of its forms, without evaluating and without getting identified with anything.    

Esoteric meaning of the card – is stagnation.  

Alas, you may observe stagnation in your life now. Your life is like you are sleeping with deep sleep. A heavy burden of memories doesn’t allow you to perform positive steps forward.    

You conceive that you’ve achieved great triumphs. You feel an overflow, a surfeit of information; you aspire to cloister, to go away from reality. Be careful! The card warns you about a possible falling into the abyss of events, which don’t exist already, and it means – a strong lag from the real life.          

An individual practice for purification of negative emotions will help you. Don’t miss the chance to fulfill yourself with the Power and new knowledge on the seminars and workshops provided by conductors. 

Inverted card: the card warns you about the insincerity and betrayal from your friends, the time has come to tell yourself honestly: who is with you for the proper vantage, and who is a true friend, which helps in trouble and which is an example for you. It’s time to sacrifice the relations, which weaken you, so that a place would be free for harmony and love. Tthe session od Nabhu Chakra purification will help you.

Magic object: a spirit-protector from the Inferior World.  

Music of transformation: №6, the track “Apalachi” 

Individual practice: Nabhu chakra cleansing session, practice “Purification of negative emotions”, of fault and of having pity for oneself, of sadness, irritancy and greed. Good riddance from sufferings, pains and depression. For individual practice it is recommended to do the Devacanic complex (the harmony of all elements in your life). During the group meetings this practice will have even more significant effect. 


11.The soul Syur

A light, transparent and jolly manikin hovers through the space, filled with light. He isn’t burdened by the life’s difficulties; he has no attachments, no diseases, sufferings. He isn’t tormented by «serious», «important» thoughts and by explosions of emotions. This is the soul Syur, which is received by a human from one of the gods (Tengri, Ulgen’, Umai or Erlik). It is namely the soul Syur, which determines human’s key role and destination.               

The card’s meaning – is lightheartedness.   

You treat the life with ease; you aspire to simply follow the general flow, depriving yourself of the choice’s freedom frequently. You feel, that nothing depends on you, that someone leads you through the life. Sometimes these are your parents or business partners. But you feel a necessity of cognizing the utmost within yourself, to learn to administer your life on a free-standing basis. 

The card advises you to plunge into reverie about notions, which are truly necessary to you and to follow the heart’s voice. The self-sufficient complex will help you in it.   

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a chance.   

The card tells you, that a chance to find out your predestination has appeared now.  Long-lasting pursuits, assiduous practice on self-development lead you to the attainment of truth.  

Try to employ the practices on body’s development Syur more often.   

Inverted card: you’re influenced greatly by the nearest and the dearest human – a parent, a relative or a friend. This superfluous custodianship forms a dependent image of yourself, it weakens you. You need to take a firm hold of responsibility for the proper life entirely, become more self-sustained. It is recommended to undergo the training session for Initiation to one of the 10 Great Women (learn more from the conductor on the seminar)  

Magic object: Priest’s jewelry. 

Music of transformation: № 8, the track «Bkhoga».  

Individual practice: Initiation to the power of one of the 10 Great Women. The self-sufficient complex is recommended for individual and group training. 


12.The moon

The night’s tsarina – the Moon sits solemnly on its throne coquettishly and imperturbably, as if it were blanketed into luxurious black-and-silvery garments, covered with billions of stars, sparkling with multicolored lights of the precious stone. It is begirded with a smoke-colored aureole, hinting us at the secretiveness of the night’s mistress. There’s a magnificent boundless Universe around it with the proper mysteries and wisdom. But there are no mysteries and riddles for the Moon, its ability of having a fine appreciation allows it to penetrate into the essence of things.                

The card’s meaning – is a mystery.  

Everything, that you’ve tried to conceal, is about to get revealed. Try to take whatever measures necessary for the dispatch of your affairs already now.   

Apart from that, the card bespeaks you of the possible inchoate romantic relations, which may emerge in a distant voyage with unusual people.

Also pay your attention to the health. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – is profoundness, an intuition.  Don’t reject an offer, which you may receive soon in an unusual way. It is possible, that it will reveal a profound mystery to you and it will allow griping the secret reserves and abilities within you. Make up your mind more to the internal sensations, oversee yourself, and keep an eye to the trifles.       

The card recommends you to exercise the practices of water’s observation, as well as to audition a shamanic music «Aqua».    

Inverted card: you’ve got a competitor, who wishes to draw your love away. You’ll be provoked for the purpose of demoralization – don’t yield to that and preserve an unswerving optimism and sanguinity. Reinforce your female principle through the ritual of Initiation to one of the 10 Great Women.

Magic object: earing, strengthening your female power and beauty. A ring for rejuvenation.   

Music of transformation: № 10, the track «Aqua». 

Individual practice: Initiation to one of the 10 Great Women (learn more from the conductors on the seminar). Card advises you to do “The complex of healing asanas for purification of channels in the body”.


13.The sun 

We see a clear azure sky, perfused with the sunny radiance on the card. The sun shines brightly and delightedly in bottomless spaces of heavens. The purity and the coolness, surrounding the day star, beckons and spellbinds the gaze. There are no obstacles in the way of light.     

The card’s meaning – is luck.   

You ascend to the higher stage in your life. The new prospects emerge, the offers, ample opportunities for the achievement of profit. The card notifies you of the forthcoming lucrative offers and unusual meetings.     

An important period comes in your life, which will help you «highlight» all the hidden life’s sides. Fill them with new vital force, undergoing the trainings and workshops by the conductors on the seminars.   

You may also count on the procurement of round cash receipts.   

Esoteric meaning of the card – is activeness.  

Feel the joy and the self-assurance. Your life flows dynamically and eloquently! Everything, that you’ve planned, starts bringing its fruit. However, the card warns you, that an excessive fuss and stridency, which you manifest, may change the course of events. 

Inverted card: You delude yourself with a temporary success. There is no way for relaxing now – everything rests on your activeness.    

Magic object: amulet for connection with spirit of luck Dzayan Dzayachi.

Music of transformation: №17, the track «Tyn Bura».   

Individual practice: session for acquiring spirit of money into your life. The changes in your life will be so sensible, that they will surprise everyone, including your nearest and dearest relatives. Practices “The Sun Power” and “Sun breathing” will help you. You may do the both individually or in the groups in your town.


14.The thunder 

The diamonds of stars sparkle in the dark sky at the very heart of Ulgen’s world. A beauty and a brilliance of the stars reach the earth, creating a mysterious magnet, which attracts the sights of the people. We see a bright light’s flare – «a kiss of the stars», directed at the earth in the form of luminous arrows on the card among the shining beauty. This is the God’s gift – a thunder. Since a proper time, a proper hour is needed for every event in life. And it is namely the moment of junction, merger of several stars, planets in the sky, when the proper time comes for a long-awaited event.        

The card’s meaning – is the news. 

Prepare to accept unexpected news. Everything you thought of, dreamed of, starts taking real shape.   

The card calls on you to reconsider all of your ideas, thoughts once more and to enunciate them more distinctly.    

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a warning. 

You’ve submerged into your internal world too much. Try to make an effort and to take a look at the world in all of its beauty. You’re at the transitional life’s phase, when a long-awaited event is ready for implementation. But you may miss your chance, due to your «closeness». Get ready for the forthcoming changes, visiting a seminar provided by the conductor.     

Inverted card: the moment of important changes has come in your life, but you’re not ready for it. Don’t miss your chance, the next one is going to occur not as soon as this one! Get the help from the Nabhu Chakra cleansing session.    

Magic object: talisman for acquiring luckiness.  

Music of transformation: №14, the track «Akhun».

Individual practice: Nabhu Chakra cleansing session. Doing the yoga complex “Horoscope complex” and “Dynamic meditation” will help you on this stage of your spiritual development. Try to attend each class in your city, about which you may learn from the organizer.



Transparent figures of animals, people, houses, cars, valuable and multitude of unusual creatures dislodge  smoothly somewhere far away on the sky’s top near the mountain, where the Future’s god Ulgen’-khan sits solemnly.  These are the dreams and ideas of people, which wait for their implementation, in order to descend from the Future’s World into the World of the Present – into the world of Umai.    

But not all ideas, events are destined to take shape. Only those people, the aspirations of which are strong and constant, will be able to materialize their plans in the real life.  As for all the rest of ideas, they will remain in Ulgen’s world to wait for their time.   

The card’s meaning – is an illusion.

The period of challenges and disappointments may come in your life. Unless you begin to treat your life without illusions – in a realistic way.

The card advises you to make an effort one more time, to reconsider your entire life and to see the things that are truly important for you. Beware of «well-wishers», who will try to beat you out of reason.     

Also the card advises you to see the concealed abilities for the proper goal’s achievement. 

Use the piece of advice from the sage – the Great White shaman.   

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a prospect.  

It is not that easy to implement that, which you aspire for! You need to reconsider everything one more time and to assure yourself of the correctness of the chosen actions’ plan. Therefor ask for help from the conductor.  

The card testifies to the fact, that you’re inclined to idealize the situations in life and to change your wishes often. You need to acquire an internal rigidity and singlemindedness for the achievement of the desired results.  

Inverted card: You’re hectored by unemployment, a discharge from office, a working schedule’s stiffening, a salary reduction, and the problems with a collective at work.  For increasing the level of personal force, reaching the success, material and spiritual flourishing, it is recommended to undergo the ritual for getting rid of negative influence.

Magic object: amulet for saving and enlarging the financial and health well-being.

Music of transformation: №5, the track “The rhythm of creation” 

Individual practice: the ritual for getting rid of negative influence. For individual exercising it is recommended “Complex of success”. On the classes with conductor it will have greater effect, more successful energy will be given to you.


16.The World’s tree

A powerful, attenuate tree with strong roots and branchy top of the tree heaves up, piercing the invisible time’s boundaries. The World’s tree will become a «celestial stairway» for voyages through all the worlds. It’s roots depart deep into the body of Belukha mountain. The World’s tree is belted with the lake of Hopes, out of which four rivers originate, which personify the Reason, the Feelings, the Imagination and the Sensations. All the four rivers mouth the ocean of Chaos and of anguishes.

The human plunges up to the hilt now to the one river, then to the other river without elaborating, and each time he (she) gets into the ocean of anguishes.          

There are also 3 worlds within each human, and an axis, which unites them – Akharata, a spiritual core, and it needs to be consolidated, so that the 3 worlds within human may be in suit with each other. 

The souls of people, which should undergo a new incarnation, ripe in the nests at the branches of the World tree.  

The card’s meaning – you lack firmness and perseverance, intransigent intention, in order to secure your ends. Act in a more stirring way. The feeling of wholeness, self-realization, and self- confidence will come to you by passing an Initiation into one of the 10 Great Women.

Esoteric meaning of the card – the card testifies to the fact, that you need to acquire the life’s sense, a central idea, which will help you to achieve an internal integrality.    

Inverted card: you live a vicarious life. Maybe, it would be worth to snap out of constantly giving ear to wider public and of adhering to numerous conventionalities? Undergo through the diagnostics of your predestination provided by the conductor, so that you could realize your unique individuality and true mission of your life.

Magic object: talisman for acquiring the intention.

Music of transformation: №1, the track «Chapel».

Individual practice: Diagnostic of predestination, the Initiation into one of the 10 Great Women. Also the practice for opening chakras “Lavarayana”. You may do it on your own or on the classes in your city.



There’s a milky lake, located on the top of the World’s mountain in the Ulgen’s kingdom – a symbol of purity and the source of truth. It is similar to a milky river with the banks made of starch drink from the Russian fairy-tales. The 4 rivers take place from this lake, which flows towards 4 cardinal points, which correspond to 4 gods. These 4 rivers flow to their Gods and bring the souls Sur defining the predestination. There is also the river of time – Toldyn, where all alive creatures and events are flowing. It begins from the world of Ulgen, exactly from Belovodie and flows through the world of the present to the lake of tears and blood in the kingdom of Erlik. And there is the second part of the time river – this is Milky Way. Here all souls of people, things and events, having passed through Tengri’s eternity, get into the Ulgen’s world again for a new incarnation. This river represents the time’s circulation.        

The card’s meaning – the new prospects, time river.

Esoteric meaning of the card – is the choice. 

You need to undergo a physical and a spiritual purification, which will help you cognize a primordial truth. The card advises you to get personal recommendation from the tutor and undergo through the practice of forgiving all the living creatures. There is a choice for you, which river to flow, whom of the 4 gods to serve, what is your predestination.     

Inverted card: there’s a sufficient risk of traumas and windfall losses during this period of time, a journey to  the Place of Power will be safe - to a protection ritual, which will not only protect you from an unforeseen risk, but it will also help to materialize your cherished dream.      

Magic object: the stone for protection from negative influences.   

Music of transformation: №5, the track “Kola Ikola”.

Individual practice: diagnostic of your abilities. The practice of forgiving all the living creatures. Protection ritual. The card advises you to do the Practice for Opening Heart and snake breathing “Sitali”. More information about them you will find out at the classes in your city.


18.The Time’s River

The river is depicted on the card, which originates on Belukha mountain. A coffin sails through this river, as if it were a boat without paddles, wherein a person sits. The time’s river carries him (her) through the life from the future into the present, from the present into the Past’s World. The person threw his (her) eyes to the ground, understanding, that nothing in the life depends on him (her), since he (she) is a sacrifice of coincidence of the circumstances and of  fortuities. And until the person won’t have learned to administer the proper reason and imagination, feelings and sensations, he (she) will move through the life helplessly, getting now to the rocks, then to the vortex of waters, and then to the whirlpool of events. And once the Time’s river will translocate this person to the Past’s World.    

The card’s meaning – is devastation.  

The card notifies you of the unusual events, which are on the way already. You are in a cumbering and inapprehensible situation, which causes the devastation feeling in you. But it’s no big deal! You can stop a senseless chain of events, having seeing your flimsiness, being based upon the outside help. Ask the conductor for help and receive a wise advice, which will change your life. It is particularly important to take charge of your health during this period. Don’t lure to the aspiration of «stifling» the negative with the food.  

The card recommends you the cleansing procedures, the joggings and spiritual praxis.   

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a dead end.

The life’s winding path has led you to the dead end. Your consciousness is narrowed and it can’t find the way-out.  You try to take measures for the situation’s redemption, but all in vain.

The card advises you not to waste the forces in vain. It is necessary to take a «time-out» and to have patience. You’ll receive big news soon, which will help you in the prevalent situation. The new knowledge and the new power is waiting for you.   

Inverted card: a disappointment in love. A negative experience of the past affects the relations of the present and it makes you a vulnerable person. If you leave everything as it is, then a grievance, indignation, the sadness of loss is waiting for you.  To preserve the harmony and the passion in relationship, acquire woman’s happiness you are advised to pass the Initiation into one of the 10 Great women.

Magic object: fragrance for falling in love.

Music of transformation: № 6, the track «The white God».

Individual practice: the Initiation into one of the 10 Great women. The yoga practices “For releasing stress and harmonizing energy” and “The way of the soul” will help you now. You may do them individually or on the group of like-minded people with our representative in your city.


19.Inverted cart 

A tired horse moves slowly over the loose soil. The horse is harnessed with the cart backwards with square wheels. A semi-darkness and a mist prevail around. This is Erlik-khan’s kingdom. Here the time flows backwards, and all the life’s events get scrolled contrariwise. This is the World of Dreams, the World of Memory, the World of Past, wherein a human immerses during the life and wherein he (she) pushes his (her) way along after the death.           

The square wheels are a symbol of a non-harmonic energy’s flow and of angularity, narrow-mindedness, a dogmatism of the world’s perception, which hamper the onward movement.   

The human’s life consists of absurdities, as well as the card with the square wheels does. But he (she) has got so much used to it, that it  doesn’t even occur to him, that one can live in the other way, that he (she) should be relieved of unnecessary difficulties and anguishes, one just needs to stop holding on to proper being’s ugly status and to humble him(her)self to the proper life’s horror.      

The card’s meaning – is a dream, sleeping.

Your life flows steadily and calmly. Nothing causes you a discomfort and anguishes.  At the first sight it seems, that the life draws upon smoothly and harmonically. But try to see the state of stagnation and dreaming, otherwise you may be griped by bad luck and disappointment. You may establish an unnecessary contact, which will cause great losses. Your business may be under the threat of devastation. Firm measures and activism are needed, in order to prevent the slowdown in the processes of your well-being’s development and not to turn the «life’s cart» backwards. Try to be with nature and visit Places of Power more often.

The card advises you to pass through the ritual of Nabhu Chakra cleansing to get rid of the vicious habits, alcoholism, a drug dependency and tobacco smoking.

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a warning.

Wake up! The card cries to you about the fact that a chartered course may be tided over with the uttermost success, if you’ll be able to see, that emotions, wishes and imagination control you. You are on the edge of an abyss and it is necessary to waken the «charioteer» urgently - the consciousness. Otherwise your «cart», as well as the development, may stop or slither to the mud, the abyss. Aspire to direct your attention from the past into the future, not to repose «on the laurels of your achievements».     Inverted card: increase the energy level urgently! If everything remains the same, then you are impended by an animosity on the part of the nearest and dearest man, scandals in the family, a pain and a grievance, an adultery or a divorce. The card advises you to write a letter to the Great White shaman , to describe a problem and to ask for a piece of advice and for a help.  Urge to take part in the seminar, where all your problems will be solved and new opportunities for realization of your dreams will come out.   

Magic object: a leather talisman for luck. 

Music of transformation: № 18, the track «Gloria».  

Individual practice:  Nabhu Chakra cleansing session, the removal of the burden of bad luck.  For increasing your energy level do the “Breathing of strength” and self-sufficient complex. The Dzen Meditation also will help you in your spiritual development now. Try to attend weekly the classes in your city, about which you may learn from the organizer. 


20.Mor and Mara 

Two abominable people set on their way from the valley of death upstream: an old-man Mor and an old-woman Mara. They are coming to the present’s world Umai in order to cause numerous troubles and misfortunes to the people, living on the Earth. They are the ones, who dispatch illnesses, devastations, death upon the people. They, whereas, take those, whose time has come to leave the world of the alive and to transfer to the kingdom of shadows to the Erlik’s world. Our existence is filled with evil spirits, lyarvas, demons, which constantly cause harm to the person. But the person holds them himself, he tied firmly to his weak thoughts, negative emotions, vicious habits, that  is why these demons have such a power over people.      

The card’s meaning – the losses.  

Your life changes its direction, and along with it various events may come into your life, which may bring losses and the misses (a divorce’s threat). Also a disease’s threat emerges, along with the decline of a general vital tonus. All this is a result of an incorrect energy’s distribution.  

But the card also tells you about the possibility to avoid these events. It is only necessary to comprehend, that each object and each person demand an individual attention and a power for himself. And it is necessary to reinforce the personal power – the power of Kut. Therefore, it is recommended to pass through the sessions of Indo-Tibetan healing.   

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a sacrifice.

There is a stage in your life, when it is necessary to remember the law of Sacrifice. Everything, that was accumulated through the years of life: material benefits, the wisdom and the attainments, get burdensome onto your shoulders, unless they’re applied according to their designation and they create stagnation.    

Mor and Mara are always side by side and they track the ones, who don’t wish to part with the surpluses of accumulated possessions voluntarily.     

The card notifies of the close proximity of Erlik’s acolytes. Be vigilant and judicious! Observe your life path and get rid of everything, which stops your development. 

Inverted card: it is quite unfavorable to take on a loan, to conceive a child, to marry during this period - the card says, that it may result for you in a disappointment and a great tragedy. Exacerbations of chronical diseases, a friend’s treachery are possible. The card advises to attend the seminars provided by conductors, because there all difficult life situations could be solved.    

Magic object: the talisman for the healing.

Music of transformation: № 13, the track “Karan Karim” 

Individual practice: a banishment of the evil spirit (the spirit of poverty, loneliness, illness and the others). The Indo-Tibetan healing session. For acquiring powerful state of the spirit it is recommended to do “Kata of Power”, “Breathing Kata” and Complex of self-confidence “Aharata”. On the classes in your city they will have even greater effect.


21.The sacrifice

The sacrifices were made to the gods, in order to ingratiate their benefaction and to receive support from them. A bull – was sacrificed to Erlik (the past’s god), and a white horse, which was set free – was sacrificed in a similar way to Ulgen (the future’s god). If an animal was killed, then usually the sacrifice's meat was eaten by the entire tribe in such a way, that, firstly, a great number of people would ask the gods for the favor towards one person. Secondly, the sacrifice was spread among all the people.     

The card’s meaning – you can’t get what you want. Please think, do you really need it? If so, then consider what in your life prevents you to get it. And if it is worth – sacrifice it.   

The card recommends you to pass the practice «The sacrifice» provided by the conductor on the seminar. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – a person can’t receive without sacrifice something new, the thing he wants.  What is the sacrifice? In our time – it is a help to the people and first of all for the purpose, that they may receive the knowledge and the chieftainship, for example, of the shaman. And also the sacrifice of the things, which hinders our living - these are the prejudices of gregariousness, negative emotions and the pegs to the bad things, which pull us to the bottom.      

Inverted card:  come out of the role of a victim. Tell yourself: «The obstacles are blessed, as we grow thanks to them!» Pass through the Nabhu Chakra cleansing session, and you will get rid of the fear which stops you from moving forward. 

Magic object: amulet for releasing the past and acquiring the great destiny.  

Music of transformation: № 21, the track «Elej».  

Individual practice: the practice «The sacrifice», a Nabhu Chakra cleansing session. Practice individually or in the group the yoga Practice for balance, concentration and improving memory "The power of Shiva".


22.Erlik’s daughters 

A shaman flies, carrying the sacrifice to Erlik-khan, in order to buy the stolen soul out from him, but he meets beautiful naked virgins on the way, with black hair of the length up to the knees, but they have no knee-caps, eyes, and their tongues are like the tongues of the snakes. They lure the shaman to themselves, in order to take his sacrifice for themselves to leave him in the World of the Dead forever. If he lures to their charms, then he will die.    

The card’s meaning – you need to be selective enough in your love-affairs. If you idealize an unworthy person – he (she) will devastate you entirely and will lead to the suffering and life’s destruction.   

Exercise the secrets of creating harmonic relationships on the seminars and workshops provided by the conductors. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a sexual energy’s symbol, which lures a person, so that he would sacrifice him(her)self to the nature. And if he (she) yields to its calling, then he (she) will devastate him(her)self and he (she) won’t succeed in achieving the proper goal. He (she) should be capable of handling this power, knowing the way to practice Maidkhuna, then he (she) will be able to achieve the command of him(her)self and of the circumstances, otherwise he (she) will be its slave.  The card admonishes to pass the ritual of merging with the power of the Great White Shaman.  

Inverted card: You got lost among the dangerous liquid bogs of the Memories’ World. The former love affairs prevent you from finding your true love.     

You lose yourself more and more, by means of travelling down the memory line.     

Magic object: for connection with the Great White shaman.  

Music of transformation: lux № 17, the track «Onome».

Individual practice: The session of previous conatcts purification. The ritual for the merging with the Great White Shaman. The card advises to do the practice “I deserve!” and Breathing against stress and anxiety “Surya Bheda”. More information about them you may get from the classes in your city.


23.The city of shadows 

The city of Shadows stands under the cover of gloom in the phantasmal expanses, which consists of the wooden, crumbly cribbed huts without windows and doors, overtopping the poles, which sink in the flimsy ground. The city is surrounded with the old dried-up trees without leaves and bark. The depraved household items wallow inside of the houses: plates with a holey bottom, broken spoons, tables and chairs on two legs… The shadows of people «flow from one place to another» around the houses slowly, as if they were in oblivion. The people, who have left the world Umai, settle down namely in such ghost-cities. And the bygone human is to bide in the city of shadows until the time, when the memory of people about him (her) has elapsed, before he (she) would be able to continue the proper journey through the Milky way to Tengri’s World.

The card’s meaning – is nescience.

Smile! The card notifies you of the forthcoming event – the pathway’s final. You ended up by the roadside, when an elaborated plan of actions had led you to the dead-end. It is in vain, that you aspire to array the proper future, by being geared to the events from the past - in that way you’ll constantly return onto the same «circle of the formerly experienced events». But you shouldn’t lose heart! You have acquired the experience and the attainments! Now you need optimism, a common sense and the forces for the construction of new vital plans and objectives more than ever. It is the most favorable period for the starting of new acquaintanceship and for initiating of contacts.  The card tells you about the readiness for the unusual events. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – is awareness, knowing.

The card reminds you, that it is necessary to realize each moment of life, each occurring event. You are inclined to idealizing everything around you, to not seeing the verity.    

Don’t constipate the space around you, when you erect «the temple of the soul». Aspire to get rid of fuss and unbelief. Don’t erect the ghost-houses in your mind. Don’t be afraid of throwing all the fusty, moribund things «onto the scrap-heap». Open all the «windows and doors» and let the new flow of wisdom, attainments from your Power’s conductor in.    

The card advises you to pass the Nabhu Chakra cleansing session.

Inverted card: You need to change your environment, which amounts you to the bottom of miscarriages. Surround yourself with the spiritual, purposeful, interesting people, who lead active and healthy life.  Try to attend seminars provided by the conductors of Power, invite new people to come with you. Remember: when you help people, The God helps you.  

Magic object: a protective amulet, worn close to the body.  

Music of transformation: №9, a track “Anubis”.

Individual practice: the Nabhu Chakra cleansing session. Indo-Tibet healing method, with the help of which you will become healthier. It is recommended to do the praxis “Chakra’s purification” and “Complex of success”. Perform them individually or during the classes in your city.



Four powerful trees with huge roots stand by the four cardinal points. Each tree personifies the proper world – the past, the present, the future and the eternity. A stove-couch made of branches is fixed between the trees, wherein the body of the shaman slumbers, who has left the world of Umai (the Present World). A Big shaman is ready to render assistance to anyone, who needs it, even upon departure from the Present World; he is opened to all the people, to all the souls, to all the gods.      

The card’s meaning – is an aspiration, a chance.   

Your entire environment and the entire lifestyle pattern testify to your ingenuity. You prefer irregular doing and an aspiration towards the leadership. Make use of all the pieces of advice, which will be proceeded to you in the nearest future.  Selectiveness and outspokenness will help you ascend above the habitual patterns of conduct and of situation’s vision. You get the chance emerged to acquire a new life and a new experience.         

The card advises you to visit the Places of Power several times a year.

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a rebirth.  

All your former life was a preparatory phase for a new, more complete life - the Supreme Spirit’s life. This card testifies to your higher predestination and major prospects. The very moment approaches, when you’ll receive a possibility to be reborn again, by ascending above the habitual reactions, above the old thinking and the moribund methods.  The people may come to you for help. Don’t be afraid “to get off the Earth” and to manifest unconventionally for the desired result’s achievement.          

The practice of entering «The Circle of Power» will help you to hold your orienting point down.   

Inverted card: don’t canker the proper talents in favor of the circumstances and people, remember  the things you want.    

The card tells: «Now or never!» Get to know your individuality by means of the Diagnostic of predestination and listen out only for it!    

Magic object: the amulet for the whole lienage.

Music of transformation: №21, a track «Momento more».

Individual practice:  Diagnostic of predestination. “Nadabrama meditation” and the practice of entering «The Circle of Power» will help you on this stage of spiritual development. Try to attend each class in your city.


25.The bridge 

The bridge made of horse-hair is extended between two moldering stubs in a distant land of the kingdom of shadows (the past) on the bank of the black lake of Sadness and anguishes. This bridge unites the World of the Dead and the World of the Alive. A soul of the defunct human should pass through it over the river of tears Toldyn, in order to get to the Ancestors’ World after the death. It can be difficult at times for the soul, which is burdened with attachments and sins. The shamans often help a soul to cross this bridge. While a person is alive, a bridge is not that important to him (her), since it unites two banks: «The Bank of Anguishes» and «The Bank of Luck». And the person also needs to be very light, weightless, in order to pass across this bridge from the country of Anguishes into the country of Success. But it’s not that simple, since a sensation of uncertainty and of fear makes the person too heavy.

These are namely the qualities that the person needs to get rid of, if he (she) wants to reach the bank of success and prosperity, otherwise he (she) will get «drowned» in the black lake of Sadness. 

The card’s meaning – is an intrigue.  A concealed «game» is afoot around you, which may detrude you to the chasm of wreckage.  Your status is quite an unstable and swelling. It is appropriate of you to look back often and to experience depression and fear. The card advises you to muster the support of a strong and a wise conductor, who will help you to overcome this complicated stage of life and find a steady ground beneath the feet.

The card advises you to write a letter and to solicit a support of the Great White Shaman therefore.    

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a challenge. 

You are at the cusp of challenges. But you are ready for them since ling time and you have waited for a convenient moment for this stage’s beginning long since.       

The card testifies to you of the necessity to get devastated, to get rid of the burden of problems and fears, which oppress you. You are able to make a big jump forward and cross the bridge of challenges into the bank of new possibilities.

Make use of the card’s piece of advice: perform a ritual of Nabhu Chakra cleansing for liberation from all the hedges.    

Inverted card: You are not certain in the tomorrow day, in your partner, and even of yourself, the ground crumbles under your  feet and soon enough it will crumble away, the reason is negative effect produced on you, an evil eye (at the working-place or from the female friends). You need help from the conductor of Power.   

Magic object: amulet from evil eye. The miracle-drops. 

Music of transformation: №3, the track “Sunrise”.

Individual practice: the evil eye’s removal, along with the ritual of Nabhu Chakra cleansing. For individual practice you should do “Strengthening of subtle bodies” and Kata of energy's controlling. During the classes they will have even more significant effect.


26.The serpent

A rude cold wind, salty, prickly teardrops, which burst forth from the vortex of sadness waters, pitch into anyone, who approaches the ocean of Anguishes, which replenishes it’s waters each day from the Life’s river, which  carries millions of souls at a great speed from the World of Umai into Erlik-khan’s World. A huge serpent Abra lives at the most profound depths of the waters of Anguishes’ ocean. It sails onto the water’s surface from time to time, in order to get nourished with the human’s anguishes, fears, illnesses, rueful feelings… And only the one, who will cope with the proper anguishes, weaknesses by him (her)self,  may escape Abra’s baleful chaps 

The card’s meaning – is an allurement.

«There you are caught on the hook!» - the card tells you, since a snake of allurement of yourself and of the world has mantled you. You have stopped seeing the world the way it is, you’ve lost vigilance and control over the events in life. And this means, that the monster of sadness may swallow you, causing disappointment and tears within you. A possibility of growing animosity with the nearest and dearest is not excluded. But you’ve got a unique chance to make use of an existing situation and to change the course of events. Ful yourself with the necessary energy and knowledge on the seminar provided by the Power’s conductor.         

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a protection.  

Your affairs advance sweepingly enough. You sink deeper and deeper into the solving of problems and the achievement of goals. But the time has come to protect that, which you’ve achieved; otherwise you’re hectored by a significant deprivation. A cruelty, a strictness, a ruthlessness will help you barricade yourself against weak  qualities, which lead to the blasting.    

The ritual of Nabhu Chakra cleansing will help you exasperate your spirit and protect the peaks reached.   

Inverted card: The Serpent’s abode – is the lake of Tears and blood.  The inverted card testifies to the imminence of strenuous emotional anguishes, which were experienced by you previously and which will influence your future in a destructive way. A sexual dysfunction’s imminence.    

Magic object: the shamanic amulet from evil eye.

Music of transformation: №14, the track “Ganimed”.

Individual practice: the ritual of Nabhu Chakra cleansing. Practices which are recommended to perform both individually and on the classes n your city: The armor of Amazon, “The source of joy”, “Breath counting ” and “Astrological complex”.


27.An owl

A bizarre bird, reminding an Owl, has taken a stand, sitting solemnly on the top of the world in a serene and calm way. It holds a firm grip of the Universe’s wheel with the proper clutches, taking no part in all the occurring events. It is solely an observer. This bird personifies a liberated person’s soul, which has left Samsara’s wheel – a whirlwind of constantly repeating events, out of the circle of anguishes and deaths. It has acquired Freedom and Wisdom and it is not attached to the general course of events. You can often see that the shamanic hat personifies a bird with itself: the wings and the feathers of the bird are attached to it, which help shaman travel to the Upper world.      

The card’s meaning – is a success.

A success and a well-being fill your life. A card informs you about possible changes at your work, in the family and in the material wealth. All the initiated processes and affairs proceed as easily and dynamically as never before. You get the intuition awoken, which allows you to forestall the approaching events. Use this period for drastic alterations in all the life’s spheres. But remember, that the acquired amenities lose their valuableness, when the Bird of Luck gets closed in the golden cage of ignorance and greed.          

Esoteric meaning of the card – is a take-off, start of something new.  

This card tells you of the fact, that you’ve reached the highest peaks on your Way! And this means, that a great power and an immense responsibility falls on your shoulders, like the Bird of Happiness, which descended from the heavens. You feel a sensation of flight, novelty, lightness. 

Take a pleasure in this status. Absorb this power to the fullest extent. You acquire a boundless wisdom, having passed a challenging field of endeavor. And the card gives you a chance to undergo an initiation and to become humanity’s servant, to serve the Highest spirits, the highest evolutionary tasks, for the sake of these statuses’ preservation. To take part in the creation of a unified state on earth - a state of the 3-rd millennium. Attend all the seminars provided by the Power’s conductor and invite other people to come with you; many of them with your help will be able to get rid of endless suffering, they will acquire happiness and great destiny.

Inverted card: Luck comes to your hands, but you can’t accept it due to the fear before the changes, the fear of communication with the people of influence, the fear of public appearance and so on. You need to grapple therewith urgently and grab the luck’s tail! The Initiation into the power of one of the 10 Great Women will help you. 

Magic object: cone of richness and abundance

Music of transformation: №20, the track «Orfej».

Individual practice: the protective session against evil eye and the ill-wishers. The card advises you to perform the yoga complex “Levels of consciousness”, about which you may know during the classes in your city.


28.The Drum

Ongon - the helper-spirit’s house, cut-out of a special tree, it is used in shamanic secret rituals and spells.   

A mandala used to be painted on a shamanic drum initially and it helped shamans to orientate themselves in a subtle plane, to know the pathways of illnesses and troubles, the ways to the gods. There’s a handle in the form of human on the drum's inner side. This is the drum’s owner, a shaman-ancestor, which helps the earthy shaman, lends him knowledge, indicates the path to the gods, fights the evil spirits alongside him.  A string, which is strained crosswise between the drum’s edges – is a bow-string, the arrows are hung upon it, with which a shaman strikes the evil during a shamanic ritual. The drum helps shaman enter the trance, call out the ecstasy’s power Tyn Bura, summon the helper-spirits into the drum and set off for a shamanic journey.        

The card’s meaning – is a patronage. Search for an assistance from wise people and people with influence, who will help you resolve a complicated situation in life. A practice of Shri Bhakti Guru will help you in this. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – is the appeal of Higher Power.   

The person him(her)self is weak and ignorant, but the friendly powers exist in the Universe, which are ready to help him (her) and they need to be addressed for assistance and knowledge by you.   

Inverted card: the other person’s will acts upon you. It is time to display finally your character and to withdraw from the other person’s influence! It’s now or never!  For realization of you potential and acquiring happy life of a woman you are recommended to pass the Initiation into the power of one of the 10 Great Women.

Magic object: amulet bringing the woman’s power

Music of transformation: №4, the track “Himalayas”  

Individual practice: the Initiation into the power of one of the Great Women (more information you may find out on the seminar from the conductor). The practice “Seven chakras’ dance” will help you. You may do it individually or on classes. 



Kyamla is considered to be the branch from the Life’s Tree, that is the World’s tree, and, similar to the wand, it fulfills all the wishes. Very often the hero in fairy-tales may fulfill only 3 wishes, and one should think very good what to wish.      

The card’s meaning – is the integrity.

If you want to achieve a goal, you shouldn’t spread yourself too much, instead you should get concentrated on the most important things, and than success will come. The card advises you to pass the practice “Connection to the source of abundance”

Esoteric meaning of the card – the person’s intention should lead all his (her) wishes to one, only then he (she) will be able to implement them. Think twice about this one wish, when it gets realized; it will help you to achieve everything at once.    

Inverted card: you have contradictory, incompatible wishes. You make one step ahead and  two steps backwards. Educe the wishes, which hamper the going on for your dream by diagnostic of your destiny from the conductor of Power. 

Magic object: is the one, which grants the assistance from spirits, for the accomplishment of planned things.   

Music of transformation: №1, the track “Shamanic ritual”.

Individual practice: “Connection to the source of abundance”. Diagnostic of destiny.  The practice “The power of the planets” will help you on this stage of your spiritual development. Try to attend each class in your city, about which you may know from the organizer.


30.A hearth

It is represented by the fire goddess Choktal. A tall, slim girl with the fiery hair holds a 30-tigoled flame - it is the goddess of the hearth and home.

The card’s meaning –it is necessary to establish coziness in the house, to create love and harmony in the family.   

It is favorable time for construction and arrangement of the residential place without lending a credit or a mortgage.   

The card recommends you the practice for opening heart or the practice for creating general reality (see the book «The adventures of the Mystics»).

Esoteric meaning of the card – it is necessary to start up a fire of  love, goodness and compassion inside of you, to get joined in groups (egregor) with the like-minded people and to carry the banner of light, the warmth and the joy.     

Inverted card: tells of the adultery and of the forthcoming divorce, quarrels with husband’s relatives over trifles, the illness of children. To stop the adultery from happening, to harmonize the relationship in the family you need to pass the session for gaining protection of the goddess Choktal. You will save your children from the negative influence and all your problems will be solved, including the financial ones. 

Magic object: is the doll “Bereginya”. An image of the goddess Choktal. 

Music of transformation: №14, the track «Alisher-2000».    

Individual practice: the session for gaining protection of the goddess Choktal. For individual practice you are recommended to do the yoga practice “The Awakening of manipura-chakra.” On the classes it will give you even more power and energy. 


31.The shaman’s flight 

The demon, who has stolen person’s soul, runs away. He is chased by the shaman-ancestor and by the new young shaman, they are surrounded by the helper-spirits, which emerged from his costume, since each pendent of the shamanic clothe is the spirits’ house. The shaman’s celestial wife sits on his neck, she shows him the way.      

The card’s meaning – you need to believe in yourself more, in order to achieve success in life. And you need to aspire achieving access, in turn, in order to help people – the ones, who feel difficulties, who are in sufferings and diseases. If you help people, then God will help you as well.      

Esoteric meaning of the card – every person has great amount of abilities and powers.  But they awake, when a person starts serving people, when he (she) does the goodness, when he (she) grapples with this world’s evil. Each human can become a magician and shaman, but it is necessary to take a stand under the banners of the powers of light, to get tuned into the Higher egregore therefore.    

The practice «Bell» will help you. Do weekly circular healing meditation-prayer «Field of Love», attend seminars and workshops guided by the conductors of Power. 

Inverted card: don’t plunge into self-digging – this may cause a loss of faith in yourself and of the life motivation.  The next stage will be disregard of yourself by the wider public. If your partner ignores you, if he (she) doesn’t listen to you – then it means that it is necessary to empower the self-sufficiency level.   

Magic object: an amulet for gaining the feminine power. Such luck – spirits tell you are ready to become the owner of shamanic cards.  

Music of transformation: №1, the track «The Shaman’s flight».

Individual practice: the initiation to the Servants of the Humanity. Practice of forgiving all alive creatures. Card advises you to perform a prayer-meditation “Field of Love” on classes in your city.



Each locality, each river, mountain, lake, valley has its own guardian-spirit, whom the shamans call Ayami - the spirit of locality. If a person treats nature and animals with disrespect, then Ayami may punish him (her).  Whereas when a person is in harmony with the nature, then Ayami will help him (her).   

The card’s meaning – is peace, calmness.  

It is necessary to stay alone and in peace for the establishment of internal harmony.  

The card recommends passing the initiation into one of the 10 Great Women. 

Esoteric meaning of the card – it is necessary to visit the place of Power or simply stay more in nature, in order to receive power and luck. The nature brings the soul closer to the God.  

Inverted card: You are enwrapped by the daily routine, by the housewife’s syndrome, no time is left for friends, hobbies and fancies, you are hectored by the situation, when family will turn into the cage and  you’ll lack the forces to get divorced.    

Magic object: a flower of beauty for your hairstyle. 

Music of transformation: №18, the track «Ayami».

Individual practice: the initiation into one of the 10 Great Women (learn more from the conductor of power on the seminar).  The card advises you to practice “Kata of the power of ten animals” and breathing technic “Telad-jukta”. More about them you may know on weekly meetings in your town. 



A Great primeval Emptiness is depicted on the card.  There are neither forms, nor outlines. This card tells you about the fact, that you stand on the cusp of important events. Everything emerges from the emptiness, and everything gets dissolved in the Emptiness.    

The card’s meaning – leave the disarrays in the past and start your life with a clean sheet! Live exactly your own program of life, not the life imposed to you by your parents, friends or society. Being unable to realize yourself, enduring an unloved man by your side, suffering from physical or moral violence or derailing everything at once and starting a new life from the beginning – it is a choice you can make right now! A ritual of Initiation into one of 10 Great Women will help you in this.    

Esoteric meaning of the card – you’ve passed through certain difficulties of a spiritual path already, you already know the secrets of overcoming laziness, pride, fear for obscurity. All these enemies retreat before such person, who is constantly tuned to the Great White shaman. The shaman always responds to the person's prayer. The gloom gets dissolved once the light appears. May those, who will touch this verity’s bonfire, be blessed.  The Great White Shaman is ready to welcome you, continue visiting seminars, and this will transform you into a radiant being, filled with energy and harmony.     

Inverted card: has the same meaning.

Magic object: shell of happy woman’s destiny 

Music of transformation: №3, the track «Savana».

Individual practice: initiation into one of the 10 Great Women (more information you may get from the  conductor of power on the seminar). Practice the “Meditation of emptiness” will help you on this stage of your spiritual development. Try to attend weekly classes in your city. 


P.S: All the recommendations and pieces of advice, which are provided to you by the occurred card, are not to obligatory to be fulfilled, but they are favorable for the situation’s healing. This is your choice!   

Dear friends, if you need advice or help from the conductor of power, you may write your questions to the following e-mail address:
You may reserve a place for the next tour to the Place of Power for passing the individual practices which will solve your difficult life situations.

We wish you success!

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